What We’re About
Mission: To restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ.
St. Peter is a blend of Episcopalians, lifelong to newly converted; drawing from diverse socio-economic, educational and religious backgrounds. We live in various small communities in Ripon and outlying areas, encompassing 9 zip codes.
Members participate widely in the Eucharist as greeters/ushers, acolytes, lectors, intercessors, chalice bearers and altar guild members. Order of St. Luke participants offer healing prayers during communion and the lay Eucharistic ministers take communion to those unable to travel.
What We Do
St. Peter’s has hosted groups to support individuals with recovery, irrespective of their religious affiliation. See the calendar for more details.
More description coming
The Blessing Box, a type of Little Free Library, was initiated in 2017 to provide community members in need with food, some clothing, books, coupons, and other household necessities.
A teachers’ cupboard provides area educators with supplemental classroom materials at no cost.
Who We Are
Our Rector
The Rev. Canon Ezgi Saribay Perkins was born in Izmir, Turkey and grew up in a secular, Muslim family. She converted to Christianity while a student at Drury University in Springfield, Missouri, where she graduated with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree. Drawn to the faith in the Episcopal Church, she experienced a calling to be a priest. She completed a Masters of Divinity at Nashotah House in 2015 and served congregations on Missouri prior to moving to Wisconsin in 2018 with her husband, the Very Rev. Patrick Perkins. She is Canon Precentor at St. Paul’s Cathedral, Fond du Lac.
Sisters of the Holy Nativity
The Community of the Sisterhood of the Holy Nativity was founded in 1882 by the Right Reverend Charles Chapman Grafton, the second bishop of Fond du Lac. Before becoming a bishop, Bishop Grafton was rector of the Church of the Advent in Boston, Mass. The Sisters’ first Motherhouse was created in Providence, Rhode Island. After becoming bishop, the Sisters were moved to the Diocese of Fond du Lac to the convent on the corner of Amory and Division Streets in Fond du Lac. The Sisters once lived in a summer cottage on Green Lake in the 50’s, which precipitated them to attend mass on Sundays at St. Peter. The cottage has been updated to a year-round residence. To this day, the Sisters have remained very active in the Diocese and at St. Peter. The Sisterhood of the Holy Nativity was founded to win souls to Christ and to teach the Catholic faith. This has been done through retreats, quiet days, church camps, preaching, Sunday School, visitations, and helping those who are less fortunate than others.